Wenbo Hu's Homepage – Bio

Short Biography

Wenbo Hu is an associate professor in Hefei University of Technology. His research interests lie in machine learning, especially probablistic machine learning and uncertainty, generative AI, and AI security. He has published more than 20 peer-reviewed papers in the prestigious conferences and journals, including NeurIPS, KDD, IJCAI, etc.

He received the Ph.D degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University, where he was jointly supervised by Prof. Bo Zhang and Prof. Jun Zhu. During his Ph.D study, he also worked with Prof. Hang Su and Dr. Lei Li closely. He also worked in Bytedance and RealAI for a while. Before that, he received the B.Sc degree from the Department of Applied Mathematics at Xidian University.


He regularly serve as the reviewer/PC in the major machine learning conferences and journals, such as NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, KDD, TPAMI, Neural Computing, TSCVT, TBD, etc.

Honors and Awards

  • Best AI Professional Award of RealAI, 2019.

  • Best Paper Award at Cross-Strait Tsinghua Graduate Academic Forum, 2018

  • Schlumberger scholarship, 2017.

  • Best Poster Award at AEARU-CSWT Workshop, 2015.

  • Finalist at Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling, 2012